This special training is open to all residents of the FFPD community which includes Fairview and Five Canyons. This is different from the PEP one night class we recently publicized. Go to this link to learn more and sign up. Classes begins October 16. Community Emergency Response Training Fairview Fire Protection District 25862 Five Canyons…
Personal Emergency Preparedness Class by Fairview Fire
This class will be offered at Fire Station 8 at 25862 Five Canyons Parkway. Be sure to sign up for one or both days, if you do not have a preference. The class will only be offered on the date with adequate sign ups. [image: 1727916081129-86bce890-d18f-40ec-929a-a52b19496333_1.jpg]
Fairview Mac Meeting Tuesday Ocr 1 6 PM
Tuesday October 1 6 PM is the next Fairview Mac Meeting at the Castro Valley Library and on Zoom Agena Items Include: CHP Update in activities in Fairview. They will be taking questions since it is an agenda item Sidewalk vending ordinance If you can’t attend in person please join us on zoom Link…
ALERT!! 29 Unit Housing Development Proposed near Lone Tree Cemetery
A housing development consisting of 29 houses is being proposed for thehillside above Fairview Ave across and up from Lone Tree Cemetery. Access to the development will be via avacant lot adjacent to 24765 Fairview Ave. This development is on roughly the same parcels that came before the community between2014 and 2016 as Tract 8057. There will be…
September Fairview MAC Meeting Tuesday September 3 6PM Castro Valley Library
September’s MAC meeting is a week away. This month’s meeting has 2 items Both are pretty important items that impact development in Fairview 1. Update on the Third Draft of the Sixth Cycle Housing Element of the County General Plan – INFORMATIONAL ITEM 2. Request from the Planning Commission Permit Streamlining Subcommittee to consider three…
Fairview National Night Out San Felipe Park August 6 5-7 pm
Join us and hang with your neighbors the first tuesday in August [image: NationalNiteOut24.jpg]
Upcoming Events in Fairview
The July Fairview MAC meeting will be held on Jul 2 at the Castro Valley Library and Online via Zoom. So far the Agenda Includes a proposed lot split at 3005 Pickford Way and an Informational discussion about The Ordinance implementing AB 1185 in Alameda County. This is civil oversight of the Sheriff’s Department. This…
June Fairview MAC meeting Tuesday June 4
****** June Fairview MAC Meeting ******* Time for the June Fairview Municipal Advisory Commission meeting. Tuesday June 4 6PM at the Castro Valley Library or Via Zoom. Items on the agenda include a discussion on Alternate Emergency Escape Routes AES from the Fire Chief and a discussion on options for protecting and governing trees on…
February Fairview MAC meeting Thursday February 8 6:00 pm
The February MAC meeting will be on Thursday Feb 8 at 6PM. In person at the Castro Valley Library or on Zoom. Zoom link Agenda items include: Sheriff Update on new fireworks ordinance, HARD update on Sulfur Creek plans, and Planning update on the County Climate Action Plan & Safety Update. Full agenda and…
Venue Change for League of Women’s Voters Meet and Greet
The venue for the League of Women Voters Meet and Greet has changed The new venue is 18003 Center St. Date and time remain the same Saturday February 3 2:30