The Alameda County Planning Department has an action item on the December 12th and 17th Alameda County Board of Supervisors (BOS) meeting agendas to approve the Sixth Cycle Housing Element. Folded into this approval is editing of the Fairview Area Specific Plan, blanket re-zoning of 30 Fairview properties, and changes to objective standards for all properties listed on the Sixth Cycle Housing Element Inventory List.
*This rezoning will allow apartments, condos, and townhomes to be built on these properties. *Additionally, the properties on the Inventory List will become part of the ‘Housing Element Zoning Overlay Combining District’ that will give these properties special concessions such as allowing 3+ stories, limiting how much parking is required, CEQA exemption, and “administrative modifications” at the discretion of the Planning Department if they don’t meet the objective standards in place.
*All three (Eden, CV, Fairview) Municipal Advisory Councils (MACs) and the Planning Commission rejected the Housing Element as currently written. These councils are only advisory and the Alameda County Board of Supervisors will make the ultimate decision.*
*Please attend the December 12th and 17th BOS meetings in person or by Zoom. **See agenda link below.*
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Please make your voice heard. Send in comments to each of the 5 supervisors via their Chief of Staff before the meetings and *REQUEST YOUR LETTER BE INCLUDED IN THE SUPERVISOR’S AGENDA* *PACKET FOR THE MEETING*. State the meeting and date in your request. There will likely be a 2 minute or less time limit for comments during the meeting. (see reverse for email addresses)
*Board of Supervisors (Chief of Staff email addresses): District 1 (David Haubert) * *District 2 (Elisa Marquez) * *District 3 (Lena Tam) *
*District 4 (Nate Miley) *
*District 5 (Keith Carson) *
For the Dec 12 meeting, use a subject line such as “Dec 12 BOS Meeting Comments Agenda Item 4-Housing Element”. Also submit comments via the web form available through the agenda link.
Put local decisions back in the hands of the local communities that are affected by them. Tell your State Assembly Representative and State Senate Representative what you think of state mandated housing development quotas. See link below to find your representatives.
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“Our Neighborhood Voices” is working on a ballot initiative to put local issues back in the control of local governments. Take a look at what they are doing:
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*Join the Fairview Community Club email list for important updates on the Fairview area. Go to: to sign up.*