During the May 2, 2023 Fairview MAC meeting, Code Enforcement will provide an informational presentation titled “Code Enforcement Updates and Report for the Fairview Area” by Mr. Ed Labayog, Code Enforcement Manager. The effective, thorough, and consistent enforcement of local building and zoning codes affects the quality of life and safety of all residents in their jurisdiction (unincorporated Alameda County). If you would like to provide your comments as to their enforcement efforts, please attend this meeting.
Depending on the number of attendees, speakers may be limited to only 2~3 minutes so it is recommended that you have your comments prepared prior to the meeting.
You may attend in person at: Castro Valley Library 3600 Norbridge Ave, Castro Valley CA 94546.
Alternatively, you may also attend via Zoom using the following link: us06web.zoom.us/j/95022027053
The full agenda for this meeting is posted at: DocumentViewer.php (granicus.com) <alamedacounty.granicus.com/DocumentViewer.php?file=alamedacounty_7ccce76fb3f079ffe2d9dd8b04227832.pdf&view=1>
Please note that this meeting, like previous MAC meetings, is recorded. The audio/video recordings are published and you may view/listen to past meetings at the Fairview MAC using the link: Committee Calendar – Board of Supervisors – Alameda County (acgov.org) <www.acgov.org/calendar_app/DisplayListServlet?site=Internet&ag=BOS&ty=BOSCOM&sty=FMAC>
Thank you for taking the time to participate in your local government…remember, they can only represent you effectively if you take the time to communicate with them.
MAKE YOUR VOICES HEARD! If you cannot attend but you would like to send your comments, email them to ACChangeNow@gmail.com
Depending on the number of attendees, speakers may be limited to only 2~3 minutes so it is recommended that you have your comments prepared prior to the meeting.
You may attend in person at: Castro Valley Library 3600 Norbridge Ave, Castro Valley CA 94546.
Alternatively, you may also attend via Zoom using the following link: us06web.zoom.us/j/95022027053
The full agenda for this meeting is posted at: DocumentViewer.php (granicus.com) <alamedacounty.granicus.com/DocumentViewer.php?file=alamedacounty_7ccce76fb3f079ffe2d9dd8b04227832.pdf&view=1>
Please note that this meeting, like previous MAC meetings, is recorded. The audio/video recordings are published and you may view/listen to past meetings at the Fairview MAC using the link: Committee Calendar – Board of Supervisors – Alameda County (acgov.org) <www.acgov.org/calendar_app/DisplayListServlet?site=Internet&ag=BOS&ty=BOSCOM&sty=FMAC>
Thank you for taking the time to participate in your local government…remember, they can only represent you effectively if you take the time to communicate with them.
MAKE YOUR VOICES HEARD! If you cannot attend but you would like to send your comments, email them to ACChangeNow@gmail.com