September’s MAC meeting is a week away. This month’s meeting has 2 items
Both are pretty important items that impact development in Fairview 1. Update on the Third Draft of the Sixth Cycle Housing Element of the County General Plan – INFORMATIONAL ITEM 2. Request from the Planning Commission Permit Streamlining Subcommittee to consider three permit streamlining items – ACTION ITEM- (1) remove Site Development Review requirement when a new single-family home meets all objective development standards; (2) eliminate the requirement that new subdivision applications provide a lot size consistency analysis; and (3) consider allowing private streets beyond the current allowance in the Fairview area.
Both are pretty important items that impact development in Fairview 1. Update on the Third Draft of the Sixth Cycle Housing Element of the County General Plan – INFORMATIONAL ITEM 2. Request from the Planning Commission Permit Streamlining Subcommittee to consider three permit streamlining items – ACTION ITEM- (1) remove Site Development Review requirement when a new single-family home meets all objective development standards; (2) eliminate the requirement that new subdivision applications provide a lot size consistency analysis; and (3) consider allowing private streets beyond the current allowance in the Fairview area.